We focus on the aftercare of life after many different scenarios.
Life After Loss
Whether it be a friend or a family member, lost can be devastating. When someone you love dies, it will feel like your heart has been physically ripped from your chest. When someone has had so much influence in your life, when you lose them, it can be so detrimental to your overall health. The person that has passed can no longer feel pain but you do, so what do you do now?
The Chrishaun Foundation can provide counseling to make sure you get back acclimated into normalcy. We understand that everyone grieves differently and are dedicated to providing resources catered to your specific needs.
Lie After Divorce
Be at your first few months, common law, or married for decades, marriage is hard work. When a decision is made to no longer be together, it can feel as if your life is over, and your like is crumbling before your very eyes. Divorce can make you think you no longer have a partner nor a friend and the person you want aligned with who promise to love you forever just shattered your world.
The Chrishaun foundation is here to get you back to you. So many people become lost in another person, and we are here to help you get on track financially, emotionally, and mentally as you embark on a new journey of you. Counseling, seminars, and financial classes are just a few provided by the foundation that’s on your side.
Life After Domestic violence
Life After Health crisis
Life After Addiction
Life is full of ups and downs and can be trying. Some turned to alcohol and drugs thinking “if I can just get away from it all even for an hour, it would be worth it “. You take a substance just to have a moment of peace in your life where just for one second in time, you’re not a failure. As you swallow or inhale, a brief moment of relief comes across your body Because you know the feeling that is to come, bliss. A high that takes you away from reality and you never want to go back. After your high is over, you sleep and disappear into a land of dreams. When you wake up it’s back to your life, your miserable life. So, what do you do?
You choose that high again and again. The Chrishaun foundation can help you change that life and make a new high in which life is meaningful.